Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So I know many of you out there have been in my shoes.  But damned if I am tired of them and can I trade them in!?! 

I feel as if I am ALWAYS fighting for what is right for my children.  I am their mother, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!  I do know what I am talking about.  I am an educated person who does not usually have her head in the sand.  I know when my children are struggling and I know when they can be successful.  Some of my children have extra challenges and some of them need more challenges.  They are all who they are and I accept and love them for it.  So when I tell you I have a concern or at this time my child needs special consideration PLEASE LISTEN TO ME! 

I understand it may seem as if I am being an over protective mom.  I am not.  It is not in my nature.  People usually accuse me of the opposite.  Just today I sent my son who is days from 7 to the bathroom by himself at Wal-Mart.  He knows where it is.  I told him to meet me by the milk.  He knows where that is too.  And low and behold, he took himself to the bathroom and met me by the milk.  But the dirty looks I got were enough to freeze Satan in his tracks.  And as I walked off I wondered how many well meaning people followed him on his way.  But my point is:  I know my children.  I know when we have reached their limits, I know when they need more, and I know when something is wrong.  So PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!

When my oldest two were young I fell into this trap of listening to those in authority who think I am just exaggerating or being over protective.  And in the end, I was right and it took us a year and a half of therapy to fix the experts' mistake.  I will not fall into that trap again.  I will not be quiet.  I will not defer to your expertise when my whole being is screaming otherwise.  So PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!  I am tired of screaming.

I do not have all the answers, no one does.  But I am not afraid to stand up for my children.  I will work with you.  I will work within the system.  I will bang my head into the wall over and over until you notice or it caves in.  But in case you didn't hear me say this before:  PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!

1 comment:

  1. Doctors are starting to trust mother's intuition. We know when something is wrong and we frequently are right in knowing when everything is okay. I listened to doctors and ended up having my newborn sent to a different hospital for 10 days when I knew in my bones all he needed was intense physical contact. There was nothing wrong with him and I was right, once he was in my arms he started to thrive.

    Conversely I shook like a tree the entire drive to the ER for a kid that had a mild cold. Little did I know he was actually slipping into a diabetic coma. What I did know was that something was incredibly wrong. Had I gone with what I had been taught he would have been left on the couch. Had I called an ambulance he would have been taken to the wrong hospital.
